Standard Answer: 2021年的信用卡新规定主要包括优化透支利率机制、规范信用卡透支、加强信用卡风险管理等方面,来说,新规定允许信用卡透支利率市场化浮动,取消了信用卡透支额度的上限,同时强化了对信用卡不良债务的催收和风险控制。




In summary, the new credit card regulations in 2021 aim to make the credit card market more healthy and orderly, and also bring some practical benefits and conveniences to cardholders. However, cardholders should also be aware of the potential risks and use credit cards responsibly.

If you have any questions or concerns about the new credit card regulations in 2021, please feel free to leave a comment or visit our website for more information. We're here to help you understand and navigate the changes.

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